
                                                  Where I’m From 




I am from walking through nature, 

surrounded by trees, and wet leaves. 

Climbing trees, leaf’s falling  

To branches creaking. 


I am from walking into the strong smell of cinnamon.  

My friend twirling and suddenly slipping, 

Bursting into laughs. 

Then walking in the school hallways in laughter, 

For hours and from this day I still thinking about it. 


I am from opening the dish washer,  

The hot steam rushing to my face in seconds.  

Wet plates being wiped with a red kitchen cloth. 

Fresh blankets on my bed, pillows smoothly placed against my bed frame.  

Folded laundry the end of my bed waiting to be folded, 

Closet’s opened waiting to be filled.  


Homemade almond pie on the table, 

The crust with the color so close to gold. 

Shining utensils with plates as white as snow.  


I’m from old fairy tales being told,  

Disney movies till 1 in the morning with my friends. 

Giggles and laughs until your parents walk upstairs,  

Sleeping bags and air mattresses and birthday cake waiting to get eaten.